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+ 47 Zip album project


2018 Synthasis
(+ MORE by this artist) + OTHER sound series

Random play

01 Synthasis gamelan.MP3
02 Electric gamelan 0001.mp3
03 Electro-Birds Migration.mp3
03 Huia birds.mp3
04 drone B 0007-010.mp3
05 Fanfair modum DEcay.MP3
06 Raining violins.MP3
07 36to55to79-23.mp3
08 Dirge drone piercing.MP3
09 bag pipe bells.mp3
10 drone C 0008-002.mp3
11 Sinister Makes Theme.mp3
12 Port Chalmers soundscape.mp3
13 Three blind mice.MP3
14 to18to36-16.mp3
15 drone g 0005-021.mp3
16 Dirge alarm.MP3
17 drone fsharp 0003-07.mp3

Synthasis - 1/3 Albums recorded during ArtScience Residency Port Chalmers March to September 2018
Includes sounds recorded around the area -trains and birds (some migrated from Huia for the occassion)
Synthasis comes from a miss-spelling of the original Arduino machine used to make many of the sounds.
The original device used prime numbers for its tuning scales - later tunings were used from the Gamelans of the area.
Recorded mostly on Roland VS-840EX with DiY SD card upgrade to replace the big floppy drive.
Zoom H1 for field recordings. -version manufactured with the faulty battery drain but still ok.
Drone samples from an electronic shruti box from Huia.
Violin, homemade Oscillator, bells and kitchen pots and pans. Ableton midi and frequency tuning app to collect the frequencies.

-made using oscillators of uncertain tuning.

See the page for more
detailed descriptions of machines made for these sounds.

Please support through MICROdONATIONS to via PAYPAL:


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